yeah we have a third. yeah.


Journal entry 9: i found mathews dad, brought him back from teh dead as the mom who was sepearted, not knowing mathew laaurass is a fukign orphan jesus fucking christ its acrians writing the title, anyways im just a bitch cus he was born able to do real fukign cures as seterypesd. :( anyways. Be nice to him as a sreuslt. Planting is a good boy. Anyways. Im better again but still on hiatus. This is jace for now. We share a body. Its more then one soul or mind. Its just i can also hang out with myself by going back to the past as any time date or year and meeting me to hang out and shmooze. Um though. All my minds because i invented shapeshifting as outlined in my diary not jaces have different faces. So youll never know its me. And we see oureslves as different people. Its a different thinking or heart or feeling center after all which is what a mind is, tis you as a person as you are! So take care sincerely pochautnus we share a body alot so let jace who is me but like as my friend jc howard from poltiines classe as the american god techno identify as me. Bye!

Uh thanks master….thats means im like a pet and hes my owner unless im doing this to others then their my pet you see! So let me call my students master it means alto fuck all of you!

So thats my version of emo. Its about clothes shape the history of those clothes as sadness cool things or death. And otehrse. But this is acrians lcokets version of emo.

The history of stripes is that they were used as charms and insane holders to cut people away from love to silence them to make them feel better. If you wear stripes you dont usually think this but paired with other items like that? Thats reminding in good ways. So emo has stripes and razeers which is used for castration circumstiion surgeries painfully thinning things out and cutting yourself open out of sadness for desrerving to suffer. Tshirts started as currency to shame others so emo has tshirts. Vests were idols as sad pain. And sweaters and knit and vs wer kind of used that way. So everything in emo is a sacrifice based on a human who died. So its really just about shapes my good bithc. Its what pochuatnus wanted so much so she got a king EEMO named after her as EMO which means pochatunsu but a boy now and EHMO was their third as bros as their cat that ebcomes human. So great guys. So great. So yeah in teh fashion we kind of IDOL- haha get idol? Idolize harm and selfness. Black was for parades starvation or mourning. Red was destrcution but mid orange in the same place as green was used for circumcision painfully unlike now and drwoning babies in baptist ministries. So yeah. That became my version. White was used to be lice dances or sacrificed for lice and food as gifts during war, and slaves wore it. But slaves also wore knit. So we wear a lot of soft lice themed things which were in africa personfied as stuff as myths. Inventing africa as time travel during civil rights as we speak. So um. Yeah. hair teasing and straigning exagerated was sex work. Which most emos for long periods of time have done or do but mainly as sugaring.

So um yeah.

You can always purchase emo on amazon its just not aways tagged that and you can wear emo pieces outside of it.

Anyways ehmo and i did a ritual where you rub a spoon over crushed fruit together called a smoothie in a milk based with sugar seet things like honey or cocomelon and no salt, drink. And now he can inhabit me as a twin and do things and so should always have a credit when we do them. Its me jace and ehom. Sorry its acriasn i had to take over a second as this. But anyways check out our third. CHILDREN as emo.

But yeah teh sound is upbeat, so going quickly with high notes, sketched or stretched out grunts as instrumental and sleeze or skating so gravel in teh voice or graves. And stretched out harmoines as sound. Thats not what emo is. Emo is harmonies themselve as most of hte music. Stretched out to an anthem as sounds we usually make in extreme pleasure or pains as moans as music as yelling which is guitars and stuff sprinkled in with beatings like drums placed on. USUALLY as my branch as its originator and soft whimpers like a ukulele or guitar being strung or plucked so playing in a varaose. It can change into different things we associate with pain. Such as stretched out biting and ribs and changes and detriments, which is screaming at the top of your logns or bloody murder as histeraical. Which is just instruments. To see how they sound get something with a wide hollow area. Then bang on it or fiddle with something point in that area to make a sound. And do it in a rhythm. And or play it against something. Make sure it says its okay cus it might hurt but wont after a while. Then just kind of, um make those sad things with your mouth and stretch it out or hmm or just go for longer and add things as creative to make it sing as songs. And you combine them in thats music. Its just emo is from pain as those things while others like pop are from laughter, and sex. And country is from diseases which can be a form of this just not this its more cowboy.

SO yeah acraisn out.

Anyways. Um we keep feeling raped as we craete things cus were doing a process of sacrifincg our body but we live in a time period where all these things are secretly extinct forever, and it takes someone to do it. Ehmo wont feel the pain as bad an instead associate it with the things he has been through were rather protective of him as daydreams that are so totally real. But yeah these arent the emo trinity the emo trinity is pastel emo, kidcoreemo its really called that and original emo or steytpical or teenage or adams emo really the last one which is the first emo. This is the originators. Skater emo, classic emo which is adams emo, and ehmo or soft or light emo. As different colors. Here we made a graph for you.

This is the next one. Make it as sexy or as kinky as you want. Pelase just allow a headscarf glasses fingerless gloves no matter what no matter how weird or nasty and only change one color and claim color blindness. We just the rest of teh colors the same. These are us in order. Oh and make a color chart or add yourself to this one in some way. Just please sort of um use your outfits picture in red and black as you think our cut is. Its okay if not but we’d recommend it. Any fabric were expanding as the sun moon and earth.

Also red and black always have to mean exceptions to the rule classic emo or gothica tobias paul or exceptions. As different colors. Youll see. So make it its the shapes pain yelling and beatings, my upbringing. As not fun versions. Now fun versions as clothes forever.s o make it personal just know it may seem like i wear you wrong.

-acrians locket out sorry jace i took over your body from my coma since your my twin living at my house get it haha anyways.


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